Instagram vanish mode is a feature that makes your Instagram pictures hide from people’s feeds. This can be useful if you are trying to protect your image from unknown followers. if you want to know How to Turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram follow the below,
What is Instagram Vanish Mode
Instagram vanish mode is a new feature that lets you hide your feed from specific people. If you want to hide your feed from certain people, like a boss or your ex, you can use this option.
The Instagram vanish mode is activated by setting your pictures to private. When you set a picture to private, it is not visible on the public version of the photo, but it is still accessible on the private version of the picture.
After you activate the Instagram vanish mode, people can view the picture on its default privacy setting, but they cannot see any of the picture’s comments or any media that has been added to the picture.
How to Turn off Vanish Mode
There are two ways to turn off VANISH mode on Instagram,
1. Using your computer: Go to your profile, then tap ‘Edit Profile’. Under ‘Privacy and Safety’, Deselect ‘VANISH Mode Can be Enabled’ and hit done.
2. Using your phone to turn off vanish mode on Instagram, follow the below steps:
- Log in to your Instagram account.
- Go to your profile picture.
- Select Edit.
- Select the Settings option from the left side panel.
- From the left side menu, open Privacy and safety option.
- Under privacy and safety, tap on Vanish Mode.
- Uncheck the option to turn off ‘Vanish’ mode.
How to Turn on Instagram Vanish Mode
The ability to turn off your Instagram ‘Vanish’ mode can be done by:
- Contacting Instagram support
- Logging in to your Instagram account through the app
- From your profile, go to the ‘Privacy and safety’ page
- On the ‘Visible to followers’ section, choose the option you want to change (Public, Friends Only, Only me).
If you want to turn off follow the step: Turn off Vanish Mode
Can I see when someone turns on vanish mode?
No, you can’t see if the other person turned on vanish mode.
Why does Instagram Vanish Mode not working?
Make sure you are using the latest version of Instagram and Make sure Vanish Mode features is available for your region by Instagram.